When the sun journeys through spontaneous Sagittarius, adventure beckons as we are (individually and collectively) guided toward new horizons where we can expand our awareness and explore new opportunities. Governed by lucky Jupiter—the largest planet in our solar system, known for abundance, exuberance, and spiritual wisdom—it’s not a coincidence that the sun transits this mutable fire sign during the holiday season.
This time of year is all about hope, wonder, and celebration, even if it’s as simple as reflecting on everything you’re grateful for. This is especially significant to consider after walking through the shadowy depths of Scorpio season. What are you hoping to accomplish in 2024? What adventures are you off to next? It’s only onwards and upwards from here!

Vanishing into the velvet night via 20 degrees of truth-seeking Sagittarius on December 12 at 6:32 p.m. ET, this month’s new moon is the perfect excuse to check something off your bucket list. Remember, the new moon marks the beginning of a brand-new lunar cycle, which means that your intentions could come to fruition between now and the next six months.
As always, be sure to check which astrological house belongs to 20 degrees of this mutable fire sign in your chart for reference. And when considering Sagittarius themes (i.e., education, expansion, spirituality, travel, wisdom), you can harness the new moon's energy and reflect on what you’re hoping to manifest during the first half of 2024.
Momentous and spontaneous, Mars will travel just a few degrees behind the new moon in Sagittarius, supporting and inspiring the desire to leap into this new reality. On top of all of this energy and focus, the new moon will also harmonize with the North Node in Aries. This brings emphasis to everything from our personal autonomy to our individual freedom in the journey forward.
On a more perplexing note, Mercury, the messenger planet, will form an elusive square to Neptune, which could potentially lead us to second-guess ourselves and overthink the next steps. (If you’re a procrastinator, don’t let the nebulous fog derail you from your commitments.) This could also explain why you’re feeling restless or having trouble focusing during this lunation.
The good news is, there’s nothing Sagittarius loves more than adventure, and despite not having all of the answers, there is magic in our ability to trust the uncertainty, as it is all part of the experience. The support of Mars is also palpable, as it energizes and inspires us to make moves, even if they start off small.
In a worst-case scenario, grab your journal and jot down your to-dos. With Mercury stationing retrograde the following day, the veil is thin, and our intuition is heightened. This could either add to our confusion (thanks to its square to Neptune) or be the root of a miscommunication and/or misunderstanding.
In any event, one thing’s for sure: something’s brewing in your favor, and the cosmos is relaying the message via your intuition. No need to rush the process. On the contrary, pay attention to the synchronicities instead. Hindsight is always 20/20.