Maria Cherazica

Feb 254 min

This is your love language based on your Chinese zodiac sign

Surely at this point everyone is familiar with the five love languages? According to marriage counsellor and author Dr Gary Chapman, it's the 5 different ways we express love. These include: Words of Affirmation, Acts of Service, Receiving Gifts, Quality Time, and Physical Touch.

To better understand yourself in a relationship, find out what your zodiac sign has to say about the way you express love.

The 5 love languages include: Words of Affirmation, Acts of Service, Receiving Gifts, Quality Time, and Physical Touch.

Rat's Love Language: Netflix & Chill (Physical Touch with a hint of Acts of Service)

Nothing is more important to you than cuddling up with your loved ones. For you, happiness is spending the day on the couch, wrapped in a fluffy blanket, binge-watching some TV series and indulging in yet another serving of nachos. You require a partner who is equally as indolent as you are. Bonus points are also given to someone who is prepared to tidy up after a day of relaxation.

Ox's Love Language: On a Mission (Words of Affirmation)

You're constantly pursuing your next objective while on a mission with an ascent to climb. You desire success! Your ideal partner will also act as your personal cheerleader, letting you know that they support you no matter how fantastical or outlandish your plans may seem. You enjoy hearing encouraging words, getting goodnight calls, and receiving letters from not-so-secret admirers. When someone loves you, they cannot be timid or hesitant about it. You require someone who yells "I love you!" from the driveway. 

Tiger Love Language: Chit-chat (Words of Affirmation & Quality Time)

There's no denying it: You constantly chatter. The ability to keep up with your cerebral rabbit holes and start a vigorous gossip session is what makes you swoon for someone. Although you like a good argument, you also want your views to be supported and clarified. Spilling the beans and discovering shared foes is a spiritual initiation to a lifetime relationship.

Hare's Love Language: Deep Bonding (Quality Time)

You just want to be in the company of your special folks. Your ideal partner wants to be there for all of life's significant moments with you and be there to support you at difficult times. The famous remark from the When Harry Met Sally epilogue, "I came here tonight because when you realize you want to spend the rest of your life with someone, you want the rest of your life to start as soon as possible," sums perfectly your approach to love. When you're all together, everything is better.

Dragon's Love Language: Indulgence (Quality Time & Physical Touch)

Even if everyone thinks you're the mysterious, seductive type, what matters most to you is spending time with the people you care about. True escapism is your love language, therefore every romantic encounter should take you somewhere new. You always want to push things to the limit, whether it's a bizarre vacation, a decadent meal, or beach sex.

Snake's Love Language: Feeling Recognized ( Physical Touch & Receiving Gifts)

Being close to your loved ones is a need for you because you enjoy being in the spotlight. Even though it's lovely to have someone compliment you on FaceTime, long-distance relationships always end because you want to experience their love in person. Simply put, a supporting role won't do.

Horse's Love language: Organizing Specialist (Receiving Gifts)

As the top stylist and tastemaker of the zodiac, you obsess over thoughtful gifts from lovers and friends alike. You enjoy inside jokes. You desire a partner that can both understand you and prove it with a present.

Goat's Love language: Getaway tickets (Quality time)

The biggest priority is making unforgettable recollections. It's the experience that counts, whether it's travelling to Japan on a romantic getaway at breakneck speed or ascending mountains in Italy while downing gallons of organic wine. Ideally, your partner has all of these trips organized so you can relax and take it all in.

Monkey's Love language: Luxury items (Receiving Gifts)

You are always incredibly organized and on top of things. Additionally, since you are the expert, you enjoy life's finer things as well and desire a partner who shares your appreciation for them. If they give you those vintage Levi's or that ancient Moroccan rug, start organizing the wedding because you also enjoy fine vintage items.

Rooster's Love Language: Activism (Acts of Service)

You want those you love to not only share your ideals but to stand up for them as well since you're a rebel with a cause. You fall head over heels for someone who is naturally inclined to get active in community affairs and deserving causes. Activism is your love language, and you're ready to work with your partner to make the world a better place.

Dog's Love Language: Tasks & Trips (Acts of Service)

Because you are the emergency contact for everyone, it means a lot to you when someone else volunteers to take over. Someone who not only does your dishes, picks up your clothes or brings your car in for an oil change, but who does them exactly as you would do them, is someone who speaks your love language.

Pig's Love Language: Absolute Sympathy ( Acts of service & Words of Affirmation)

Let's face it, Pigs: You want a partner who would brave the flames for you. You wouldn't, however, ask for that. You need a lover who will both validate you and relieve you of a lot of the emotional work as you always put others before yourself. Because you have big dreams, those who love you must be willing to continuously bring you back to reality.
